I’m A Mum Now What?



I’m A Mum Now What?

Youtuber and blogger, mother of two children and a third on the way. Don’t forget to mention the two pit-ball dogs and our crazy annoying cat. Sounds like an average life? In a way yes, in a way no. Life wasn’t all this crazy, nor busy, nor stressful. I keep telling myself it’ll get better. Yes, it makes me nervous and anxious or maybe that’s just my hormones being in my third trimester, I think 29 weeks and a few days. Who has time to count? I sure don’t. I remember with my first pregnancy enjoying the littlest things now I’m just like here’s another one, sometimes I can hear DJ Khale saying “Another one” I know that sounds horrible but before I get backlash, lets get this straight.

I love my kids, I love being a stay at home mum, I used to work for a real state company and goodness did I love that job, I liked majority of my co-workers and even my boss. It was a job I saw myself doing for the rest of my life, cause well I loved it with a burning passion. For me things went down hill over a long period of time, a lot of betrayal, hurt, and blame. I do not have the heart to go into that story for me it is too painful. I remind myself that the lord gives his hardest battles to his strongest soldiers.

Despite going off topic that is a short version of why I am a full time SAHM (Stay at home mum), happy yet not satisfied. Being a stay at home mum is not a bad thing, I mean sure you have unlimited access to the internet, netflix, and food sometimes I feel like wasting the day with my kids, simple right? Wrong. My partner on the other hand does the “surprise” visits from work on his lunch break and complains why I haven’t done anything all day. Hold on! I have been up since 6 am sometimes earlier, I make your hot chocolate, feed the two kids and sometimes the dogs if your running late, I do the cleaning – of all the rooms plus I have to vacuum every single day, do laundry, do dishes, clean up after every meal that’s including dinner, your mess and man could the list go on. Men’s minds work differently from us or maybe its the society we live in.

I have been a mother for 3 years,  three exhausting, wonderful and tiring years. I have been a working mum as  well, I have been and currently am a stay at home mum, so what now? Simple, yet a complicated question. YOU DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY and the rest will follow. What I do everyday to find motivation is making sure that my family is happy, I rely a lot on my partner more now then ever. I watch YouTube videos on how to’s and sustainable living, I try to educate myself with the world and the bible. I have new goals, I start off with small ones, currently its our debt that I want to get rid off and then search for a beautiful family home, you might say these are big goals, no they are small cause I believe anything is possible.

  • K

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